
Our Services


You will work with an experienced member of the semiconductor industry to tailor your resume specifically to the jobs you are interested in and to ensure that your resume passes the first round of review.

Job Search

After evaluating your resume, we match you and your skill sets to semiconductor job openings. Each of our consultants has a network in the semiconductor industry that extends over several countries, companies, and business areas. Using this network, we will apply to jobs that best suit your skill sets.

Cover Letter

A semiconductor industry expert helps you prepare your cover letter, highlighting and matching your skills to job requirements.

Mock Interview

You will attend a mock interview with one of our consultants who have 20+ years of experience in the semiconductor industry as a hiring manager. The mock interview will closely mimic a typical semiconductor interview, prepare you thoroughly, and close any gaps.

Offer Negotiations

If needed we are available to work with you evaluating your job offers, informing you about additional potential benefits including; relocation allowance, housing compensation, transportation allowances and more.

College Assistance

We help you navigate your entrance into the semiconductor industry by helping you choose relevant courses and applying to the best internships.