How semiconductor has become important to overall growth and advancement of countries

How semiconductor has become important to overall growth and advancement of countries

There’s no denying that COVID-19 has hit the global job market in an unprecedented manner. The COVID-19 has brought unprecedented disruptions around us. Its impact on the trade and industry has forced changes that have defined new directions and outlook. Despite its detrimental effects on the other industries, the semiconductor industry has thrived and grown due to demand in digital devices needed to work remotely. While many industries are still reeling under its impact, a few have managed to thrive in this challenging situation. One industry that has managed to register a growth despite the pandemic-led slowdown is the semiconductor industry. Semiconductors have now established their place as a truly essential industry and the chip shortages of 2020 and 2021 for semiconductors has led the counties to give this industry a critical status.

The semiconductor has become important to overall growth and advancement of countries as well as their security. The advanced chip technology needed for artificial intelligence, 5G, industry 4.0, and beyond has led to the announcement of special packages for development of cutting-edge semiconductors technology by various countries. The prominent among them is the US Govt CHIPS and Science Act providing $53 billions for American semiconductor research, development, manufacturing, and workforce development. This includes $39 billion in manufacturing incentives as well as $13.2 billion in R&D and workforce development. This is expected to spur STEM opportunities to participate in good-paying semicon and associated industry jobs. According to a SIA report the incentives for domestic chip manufacturing are expected to create an average of nearly 200,000 jobs annually as fabs are built, and add nearly $25 billion annually to the U.S. economy.

The rapid development of new-age technologies is powering up smartphones, tablets, and several other connected devices. People are increasingly dependent on such devices offering digital solutions for most activities. With the penetration of digital devices in people’s daily lives, the market for semiconductor jobs is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2030 from the present value of $600 billion which is nearly 10% growth yearly. The future IC technologies are expected to be 3D using nanoscale technologies, 2D materials, photonics interconnection and hybrid integration schemes. The long term prospects and opportunities in both the semcon industry and research is very exciting and rewarding.

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Benefit of opting Semiconductor Jobs

Semiconductor engineers help design, develop and manufacture chips or ICs which are the brains of any smart system. They design and create semiconductor processors, systems, modules that are critical for the functioning of a system. As a semiconductor engineer, the candidate is expected to possess a bachelor’s degree with a background in science, mathematics, technology, and engineering. An individual with a master’s degree in engineering can join this industry with relative ease. You can also make a transition to this industry and opt for semiconductor jobs if you have skills and experience in other industries. Such industries include automotive, chemical, maintenance, electrical, computers, biomedical technology, and construction, among others.

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